Weight loss mistakes – and what to do instead

1.) You’ve traded the fizzy beverages for healthier beverages and fruit juice

“Diet fizzy drinks are frequently advertised as zero or low-calorie alternatives, and fruit juice is considered an all-natural and healthy choice. However, they usually contain artificial sweeteners that trigger cravings for sweet food. Fruit juices are often high in sugars, calories, and natural sugars.

“Prioritise calorie-free water as your main source of hydration.” Dr. Becky Spelman, psychologist, and founder of Private Therapy Clinic. Private Therapy Clinic

2.) You’re cutting down on sleep by waking up early to go to the fitness class

Don’t give up sleep to get an early workout (Photo invizbk/Getty)

“Skipping crucial sleep to exercise early can be affecting the weight loss process. Sleep deprivation can alter hormones that regulate appetite such as leptin and ghrelin, which leads to an increase in hunger and diminished feeling of fullness. This could lead to eating too much as well as desire for unhealthy and high-calorie food. Sleep deprivation can affect the metabolism of glucose, resulting in the resistance to insulin and a reduction in metabolism of fat.” Charlotte Faure Green is a Bant-registered nutritionist.

3.) You need to eat breakfast.

“Research has shown that people who don’t eat breakfast are more likely to consume more sugar and carbohydrates during their day and also take in more snacks.

Healthy breakfast choices can aid in losing weight. Add a scoop of protein powder into warm oatmeal and milk. Serve with a selection of nuts, fruit seeds, seeds, and a knowledge of Greek yogurt for a delicious breakfast that is filling and healthy start to your day.” Hannah Belsham is the resident nutrition as well as a health and fitness coach for The Innermost

4.) You choose the healthy takeaway menu

“Choosing healthier alternatives for takeaway restaurants like Dry chicken tikka can be a good attitude to adopt however, you’re still eating takeaway food. They’re usually filled with salt, fat and sugar. Try new dishes at home using more nutritious components?” David Wiener Nutrition and training expert with Freeletics

“When you order takeaway, choose healthy options, including lean protein, whole grains, and lots of vegetables. Choose baked, grilled, or steamed food items. Be aware of portions and think about sharing meals or keeping the leftovers.” Dr. Becky Spelman

5.) You’re doing a lot of cardio workouts every week

Intersperse cardio exercises with intervals and weight training (Photo from vm/Getty)

“Cardio is a method of weight loss is a calorie-in equation. It’s a calorie in. If you run for one hour, you could lose 400 calories, and if you’re in a deficit of calories after your exercise, you’ll lose approximately 2 lbs a week.

“If your calorie expenditure is higher after a run, it’s because you’re in need of food to replenish and replenish your body. However, your calorie intake will not change, and as your weight. You can try varying your workouts by using weights and the interval.” Sarah Lindsay is a former Olympian, PT celebrity, and the creator of Roar Fitness. Roar Fitness

“A majority of people believe exercising is the most effective way to shed pounds, and therefore they are spending their days only pounding the treadmill or biking. Your metabolism stays high for a longer period after lifting weights and is beneficial to build muscles, which boosts your metabolism as well as the amount of calories burned per day. Therefore, combine cardio and weights.” Penny Weston is an expert in nutrition, wellness, and fitness expert.

6.) You’re eating low-fat food

“The idea that low-fat or diet food items have a better health profile is actually a popular myth. Many of these products substitute fat with sugars and synthetic sweeteners to keep the taste which could result in an unintentional increase in total consumption of calories. The best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced, nutritious eating plan.” Helen Perks, Bant nutritionist, health and wellness expert, and nutrition therapist

7.) You adhere to your eating plan for six weeks, then you can indulge in a cheat day

“Eating by the book” every day for six weeks and then eating many calories on cheat days could hinder progress. In the end, cheat days can lead to problematic eating habits, leading to an unhealthy cycle of restricting food and overeating. It is essential to be consistent and incorporate certain foods you love during the week is more sustainable than having a cheat day without a switch off.” Charlotte Faure Green

8.) You eat less red meat and more fruits and vegetables.

A medium-sized banana has about 15g of sugar (Photo Aleksandr Zubkov/Getty)

“It’s a good idea to reduce your saturated fat intake from red meats – but be aware some fruits like bananas, mangoes, and grapes are high in sugar.” Ben Whale, the chef-in-chief and partner of the Body Camp situated in Mallorca

9.) You’ve established exact objectives

“In the theoretical sense the case of a deficit in calories of 500 calories a day, you’ll burn off 1lb of fat per week. However your body is incredibly complicated and unpredictable. Rather than blaming yourself whenever you experience an unsteady day, use flexible strategies. Instead of focusing on scales, think about your appearance at yourself in the mirror, how your clothes feel, and most important the way you are feeling.” Steve Doidge-Harrison is a personal trainer and co-founder of Bio Skin and Wellness. Bio Skin and Wellness

“Impossible-to-achieve targets can result in feelings of frustration and failure. This can lead to the cycle of weight loss where the weight that is lost is quickly recovered. The trick is to concentrate on losing weight gradually.” Juliette Kellow is a registered dietitian.

10.) You’re eating a lot of nutritious food

“Losing pounds can prove a challenge, and a strict control of portions is essential. Even with a balanced diet, eating too much can slow your growth. It’s crucial to understand the right serving sizes and to pay attention to your body’s signs of fullness and hunger. Making mindful eating a habit and eating with smaller plates will help you keep your weight under control.” Amanda Place, PT, health coach and the founder of Sculptrition

11.) Avoid lifting weights in order not to increase your weight.

Weight-lifting can help you stay toned and increase strength (Photo: Sergio Nievas/Getty)

“This isn’t going to happen accidentally or over night. It is necessary to lift massive weights and consume the form of a surplus over time to build significant muscle mass, so do not be worried about building up. Weight lifting is an efficient method of building muscles. The scales may not change in the event that you lose 5lbs of fat and build 5lbs in muscle mass, you’ll appear slimmer, more fit, and fit.” Sarah Lindsay

12.) It’s not a problem to drink on weekends

“The idea of doing well every day’ could make you more likely to indulge in a weekend fling and even consume more alcohol than you usually do. This increases the calories from alcohol and may reduce our determination.” Juliette Kellow

13.) You look at the scales in the bathroom like an eye

“Lots of things can affect our weight, including the amount of fluid we’re keeping in or changes to the mass of our muscles. It’s not a good idea to weigh ourselves often because it isn’t clear which changes will occur.” Ro Huntriss is a leading dietitian and the co-founder of Fertility Dietitian UK

14.) You’ve cut back on the food you consume

“One among the more frequent mistakes that people make is turning to a strict calorie-restriction program to reduce weight fast. Although these strategies may produce immediate results but they’re not sustainable.” Amanda Place

15.) You’re drinking lots of water.

“While there is no direct link between drinking water and weight loss, drinking plenty of water could be a critical factor in maintaining general health, which, in turn, may aid weight loss.

“Hormonal changes in women, particularly during menopausal symptoms are known to result in greater water retention however drinking more water won’t necessarily cause more. Drinking water may aid in controlling hunger cues and improve cognitive performance.” Dr. Sarah Ball, Menopause physician on Health in Menopausal


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