The Easiest Way to Custom-Design Your Kitchen

The kitchen is a place that holds many special memories and interactions and is truly the hub of the house; the nucleus of your home. And as home experts, we know that designing the kitchen according to your personal needs is pretty exciting. From choosing the layout to materials and paint, you get to control it all. But the easiest way to create a custom design kitchen is to arm yourself with some professional help, those who know kitchens. 

Whatever your dream may be, expert kitchen designers with a flair are always there to make it a reality. They understand that designing your kitchen can be daunting, not to mention, confusing. Therefore, make use of professionals who know their stuff, who do this every day and who are always ready to assist you to make sure you cover every aspect of your exciting kitchen renovation.

We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to achieving a luxurious custom kitchen in Sydney to take the overwhelm out of the whole process and help you get the kitchen of your dreams that incorporates both aesthetics and functionality. 

Let’s get started!

  • Choose what is required and eliminate the unnecessary

Start by listing out things that you always wanted to have in your kitchen and things you want to get rid of. It could be wanting a specific types of cabinets, tiles, flooring, or removal of old shelving. Anything goes! Now is the time to write down that wish list. This is how you design the project blueprint and plan a budget to continue on to the next step. 

  • Find your favourite kitchen layouts

Now that you have a plan in mind, it’s time to look for your dream layout! . The internet is packed with ideas and the latest trends. But always make sure that the layout is convenient and it should consist of  a good working triangle; meaning that the hob, sink, and fridge must be close enough to allow for efficient working while at the same time should not look or feel restrictive.
Decide on the shape of your kitchen, whether you want a U-shaped,  L-shaped galley, or an open-style kitchen design.

  • Do not skip the floor plan!

When you are working with a design, it is crucial to carefully outline a detailed floor plan according to your space. This includes the exact locations of doors, counters, cabinets, and other elements in the form of scale drawings. You can take help from architects or kitchen design companies here, because it can get tricky, and it needs to be exact. Remember to work according to your water and electricity supply ports, too.

  • Choose a colour scheme that suits your idea

Choosing colours can be a tough job! With a variety of available designs, patterns, and combinations, making one single choice can be overwhelming. At times like this, you can really benefit from getting help from experts at APlan to guide you with the perfect colour scheme that also compliments your home as a whole. 

  • Woodwork

Your cabinets and furniture play a vital role in the kitchen. Choosing the best material that is also termite and roach-resistant is also an important factor to consider. Whether you want to purchase readymade cupboards and furniture or want the work done by experts, you must always pay attention to the quality of the material. Durability, sturdiness, looks, manageability, and price are all the key factors you need to consider. Here.

  • Lighting scheme

Whether you are a person who loves natural light or wants to add some sheen lights to your kitchen, deciding the type of lighting is also an important aspect of your dream designer kitchen project. Windows must be planned to emanate the best light in the kitchen during the day, while electrical lights should be mounted to produce sufficient light during evenings and on cloudy days. The colours you choose for your kitchen must match the lights to enhance the beauty of your space. 

Keeping all the above elements in mind before designing a custom kitchen in Sydney will help you easily achieve your dream, luxury kitchen without much headache or disruption and eliminate mistakes. Your approach can be budget-friendly, minimalist, or spacious. Whatever your dream, APlan can make it happen for you. 

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