Is Holy Carrot the answer to boring vegan food?

I hate to admit that, but vegan food’s reputation as boring is not entirely untrue. The plant-based alternatives, if they even exist, are just a box-ticking exercise that aims to please everyone without doing anything to entice the palates of those who don’t consume dairy or meat. It’s not a bad thing. However, this isn’t always the case, and it’s happening in smaller and smaller amounts however, in the famous food scene it’s not difficult to understand the way vegan food has earned the reputation it has earned.

Holy Carrot in Knightsbridge, London The Holy Carrot restaurant in Knightsbridge is determined to change the perception of this area by offering a menu with the vegan-friendly sushi “crab” burgers and their own shepherd’s pie. Offering a great variety of choices – all vegan as well as gluten and artificial sugar-free it is one of the very first times that I was really excited to visit a vegan restaurant.

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As we arrived, we were shown to the recently launched Holy Bar, a dark gothic space that’s located in the same restaurant. The menu of cocktails is made up of tarot cards and patrons are invited to choose a drink randomly and leave the decision of your drink up to the cards. But, when fate was able to choose the one drink that I didn’t want (walnut bitter) I decided to go for The Sun which is the combination of chocolate, coffee as well as almond cocktail that turned out to be delicious.

Also delicious were the bar snacks, particularly the scrumptious Angels and Devils rice crisps topped with a tangy and rich Bloody Mary sauce (ideal with drinks). A Holy Carrot hummus on raw flat breads provided a variety of textures, and a variety of savoury and sweet flavors due to the berries that were served alongside it. This Cosmic Tide “fish and chips” were extremely tasty and, I’m going to say, quite impressive. the nori-wrapped tofu truly did tasted like fish.

The Angels and Devils are ideal for a cocktail at the Holy Bar

The bar’s design is Instagrammable for those who are inclined to do so, since certain of the cocktails feature sparkling bubbles that explode and release white and blue rivers of smoke that surround the glass as well as on the table that is lit by candles. Tarot-themed menus are enjoyable – and there’s even the tarot card reader on periodically and reading out fortunes between drinks. I’m not sure how you can go about spending an entire night in dim lighting, but I would suggest arriving an hour prior to eating at the restaurant and soak it all in. It’s a fantastic and exciting beginning to your dinner.

From Hell In Hell, if the dark that is The Holy Bar could stand for that one is stepping, likely into Heaven. Holy Carrot restaurant Holy Carrot restaurant is a Light, Midsummer Night’s Dream-like combination of white and pastel blue, with high ceilings. It’s like a lyrical traditional Edwardian tearoom (which is also open during the daytime). It’s a wonderful place for a relaxing time and take a bite.

Kentish croquettes of purple potatoes, as well as carpaccio with radish and mushrooms

For starters, we enjoyed Kentish purple potato croquettes, a mushroom and radish carpaccio, and the tartare menu. The croquettes were delicious little bites and I could had many, many more. The tartare was not a flavor anything, and carpaccio, thin, raw radish strips served with delicious mushroom sauce demanded bread for dip. The radish was unable to hold the sauce’s delicious flavor, and it sounded like two pieces in one.

For our mains, we enjoyed the shepherd’s pie, and the smokey aubergine topped with crisp mushrooms. The shepherd’s pie has the homey, rich taste that shepherd’s pie craves and was delicious on a winter’s evening with the combination of lentils, tempeh and vegetables, with a fantastic potato topping. But, I’m not able to claim the same for the aubergine. With a puree-like base sauce for the root, it did not help dispel the notion that vegan food is boring.

Even shepherd’s pie made from vegan ingredients needs to feel homey and warm

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I would have liked to have had more options on the menu. The table across from us ordered”crab” burgers “crab” burger, which was delicious and the flavor and taste of “fish and chips” in the bar made me question what the sushi they served was like. I’d love to go back and try the food I have missed.

However it was a good experience, Holy Carrot was a great restaurant experience. The food was not ideal – services were slow as well as bit unresponsive, however, the wide variety of food available was a great way to enjoy a meal and was the ideal spot for those who are vegans or just interested in plant-based diets to discover what’s available.

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