Build A Diy Wind Generator And Make Your Own Low-cost Electricity

There are many different ways to produce your own electricity and free yourself from having to use energy from the power grid, but a DIY wind generator would have to be one of the most effective approaches. If you have a steady source of wind in your area, sufficient space to install a turbine, and the local building codes permit you to construct one, then building a wind generator for your home will go a long way towards decreasing your power costs and dependence on the grid.

How Does a DIY Wind Generator Work?

Humans have been harnessing wind power for a very long time, and the old-fashioned windmill is a good example. A modern DIY wind generator is pretty much the same, in that it uses the energy stored in the wind to turn a set of blades. However, in the old days, a windmill’s power would have been used almost straight away to pump water or to turn grinding stones used for making flour. The modern generator takes the power collected by the blades and transfers it through a motor and gearing system into a storage battery. You can then extract the energy from the battery to run lights and other electrical equipment in your home.

Materials Needed For Your DIY Wind Generator

When you have confirmed that it is possible to build a wind generator in your area, you can start collecting the necessary materials and equipment. In summary, the essential components of a wind generator are a sturdy supporting frame for the generator , blades, hub, motor, battery, electrical connections and security items needed to make sure no-one is injured by the turning blades. The blades can be made of metal, wood, or some form of composite material that must be angled so that they turn with the wind. One of the keys to efficiency is to make sure you get the maximum no. of blade rotations per minute, or rpm, for the lowest wind speed. You should be able to get a significant power output with a wind speed of only 10 miles per hour. As far as the motor goes for a DIY wind generator, most people will not be interested in building their own.

Unless you are an expert in this area, it is far easier to buy a ready-made one that has been specifically designed to maximize the power output for your particular situation. If you are interested in doing it yourself, though, it is possible to use such things as washing machine motors. Bear in mind that recycled motors such as car alternators will typically need to be run at a higher rpm to produce power. A basic principle with a DIY wind generator is that you will want to maximize the amount of wind power collected by the blades, and use a motor/battery combination that is highly efficient in converting and storing the collected energy. You will also need to support your turbine on a strong frame that won’t collapse in strong winds, particularly if you attach it to your roof. High quality materials including bolts and screws are a must. You could look at the possibility of using strong recycled parts such as galvanized metal pipe. Also, make sure the turbine is in a good, open location where it can collect the prevailing winds. For your generator housing use durable material such as metal sheeting that won’t dent or collapse, and will last for many years.

The Benefits of a DIY Wind Generator

Building a DIY wind generator may at first seem a bit difficult, but it is actually fairly simple if your do some basic research and purchase the right equipment. In only a few weekends you can build your own energy-collecting and storage system, and significantly reduce your grid power costs. In this respect, a DIY wind generator will be one of the most productive projects you will ever undertake.

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