The best of alcohol, but without the headache

Citizen Spritz is the brainchild of Mark Gould, a successful food industry entrepreneur, and Mike Bagshaw.

They created it to reduce their alcohol consumption. Mike Bagshaw, co-founder and owner at I.T.S International Taste Solutions, explains the brand’s origins and what makes it unique in the drink market.

Citizen Spritz, a disruptive new entrant on the market, is reimagining adult drinks with its innovative range of concentrated instant spritz mix, designed to make daily moderation effortless and desirable. The sophisticated and complex flavors of the drinks are combined with sparkling water or soda to create a refreshing, aperitif-style beverage.

We are passionate foodies who love to live life. While we enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer, alcohol-free alternatives that taste good and are refreshing are hard to find. We have a long history of developing and creating food and beverage brands for other companies. We wanted to create a brand new category of beverages: zero Alcohol. Low in sugar and calories, with vibrant natural ingredients, intense flavors, and the elusive warmth found in the best alcohol libations. We didn’t want to give up Alcohol, but we wanted a drink for those times when it was too early to begin drinking or when we just wanted to abstain. Mark and I decided that we weren’t the only ones looking for an ‘in between’ drink without compromise. We combined our years of culinary and flavor expertise to create our own.

We didn’t want to stop drinking Alcohol, but we wanted something to help us abstain when it was too early to drink or when we wanted to abstain.

The taste and drinking experience of Citizen Spritz was always our priority when it came to the nutritional profile. We wanted it to be bursting with complex flavors but also take into account the growing interest in healthier living. We created products that were made with plant extracts and compounds. The result is a drink that has fewer calories and sugar than both mocktails and cocktails.


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