Sleep Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice

Can Tart Cherry Juice Help You Sleep?

A third of Americans say they don’t sleep enough. The Trusted Source Centers for Disease Prevention and Prevention (CDC)As the nation’s health security organization, CDC saves lives and safeguards people from health threats. View Source every night. The tart cherry juice might aid in reducing this. Research suggests that drinking tart cherry juice results in more sleep and extended periods.

The positive effects of tart cherry juice on sleep may be due to Melatonin and tryptophan. Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone for sleep secreted at specific times of the day to aid in the body’s transition from sleep. Tryptophan assists the body in producing Melatonin, which is crucial to getting a good night’s rest.

Each 100 grams tart cherries contains approximately 9 milligrams of tryptophan. The Trusted Source National Library of Medicine Biotech, information The National Center for Biotechnology Information improves health and science by facilitating access to genomic and biomedical information. View the source. Every day, the average person requires approximately 250- 425 milligrams (milligrams) of tryptophan. For sleep research on tryptophan supplements, experts suggest that individuals take tryptophan before bed. A trusted source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information enhances health and science by facilitating access to genomic and biomedical information. View the source. In the same way, consuming tart cherries could be most beneficial for sleep when finished at night. A glass of acidic juice following eating a meal that contains food that promotes sleep could be a great way to boost your sleep.

Also, tart cherries contain Melatonin, and studies demonstrate that drinking sour cherries juice boosts the level of Melatonin in the body. The increased intake of Melatonin could cause you to fall asleep faster and enjoy better quality sleep.

How Much Tart Cherry Juice Should I Drink?

If you’re thinking of drinking tart cherry juice to help you sleep, it’s best to select a liquid with no added sugar so you don’t accidentally add too much sugar to your diet. If the drink’s flavor isn’t your taste, you can purchase tart cherry extract in pills.

It is reported that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements states that no issues are drinking 16 ounces of water. Trusted SourceNational Institutes of Health (NIH)The NIH, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the country’s leading medical research institute, making important discoveries that enhance health and help save lives. View the source from tart cherry juice or take 480 milligrams of sour cherry extract in capsules daily for two weeks.

Additional Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice

Drinking tart cherry juice could bring additional benefits besides better sleep, including:

  • Enhances Muscle Regeneration: The antioxidants in sour cherries have been found to lessen the damage to muscles in athletes. Trusted National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information improves health and science by facilitating access to genomic and biomedical information. View the source. Furthermore, drinking tart cherries juice or capsules before exercising enhances the performance of athletes and decreases muscular Pain.
  • Lower Pain Tart cherry juice could help reduce pain intensity in situations other than recovery from athletics. Research on people with arthritis has found that drinking tart cherry juice helped reduce stiffness and arthritis-related Pain and enhanced biological markers linked to arthritis.
  • Lower Blood Pressure Reduced Blood Pressure: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that over 50% of adult Americans suffer from high blood pressure. The Trusted Source Centers for Disease Prevention and Prevention (CDC)As the nation’s health-protection organization, CDC saves lives and helps people stay safe from health threats. View the source. Cherry juice with a tart flavor may aid in lowering blood pressure. However, more research needs to be conducted.
  • Improved memory and brain health: The antioxidants in sour cherry juice could help maintain your brain’s health and guard against the effects of degeneration. One study revealed that individuals with dementia who consumed approximately 6 ounces of tart cherries juice over 12 weeks demonstrated improvements in their long- and short-term memory. The Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information improves health and science by offering access to biomedical and genomic information. View the source.
  • Cancer prevention: Tart cherry juice could also aid in preventing cancer. A study on mice showed that tart cherry juice can help reduce the growth of cancer cells. Trusted Source National Library of Medicine Biotech Information, The National Center for Biotechnology Information, enhances health and science by giving access to biomedical and genomic information. View the source. Similar to the study, it was found that the size and quantity of tumors decreased. Trusted Source National Library of Medicine Biotech Information, The National Center for Biotechnology Information, improves health and science by allowing genetic and medical information access. View the source in mice who were given cider made from tart cherries. Further research is required to determine whether acidic cherry juice could aid in fighting cancer in humans.

How to Incorporate Cherry Juice Into Your Sleep Routine

Consistent with a healthy sleep routine will ensure a restful night’s rest. In the same way, every night will help your body relieve the day’s stress and prepare for bed.

It is possible to add tart cherry juice into your routine before bed. Consider drinking a glass approximately an hour before bedtime to avoid needing to go to the bathroom at night. A glass of tart cherry juice with a book at night or a bath can aid in settling down.

If you cannot resist the flavor and keep from drinking tart cherry juice at night, it is possible to take capsules. Placing the supplement on the nightstand on your sofa can be a helpful reminder to drink these supplements. You can also create an alarm on your smartphone to remind you to take your supplement before bed.


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